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Título : Design and Construction of a Prototype for the Painting of Honed Tube
Autor : Cuñas Cuñas, Tommy Jefferson
Mosquera Canchingre, Guillermo Alfredo (tutor)
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Editorial : QUITO/UIDE/2024
Citación : Cuñas Cuñas, Tommy Jefferson. (2024). Design and Construction of a Prototype for the Painting of Honed Tube. Facultad de Mecatrónica. UIDE. Quito. 48 p.
Resumen : The prototype consists of a vertical system that allows us to move the gun vertically up to 50 cm. This process involves activating and deactivating the paint solenoid valves. It also includes a system that allows me to rotate the tube to be painted on the same axis, divided into 4 zones where the paint adheres.
URI : https://repositorio.uide.edu.ec/handle/37000/7026
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Ingeniería en Mecatrónica

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