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Título : Design and construction of a home hydroponic system for lettuce production
Autor : Lozano Tufiño, Fernando
Moya, Marcelo (tutor)
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Editorial : QUITO/UIDE/2024
Citación : Lozano Tufiño, Fernando. (2024). Design and construction of a home hydroponic system for lettuce production. Facultad de Mecatrónica. UIDE. Quito. 49 p.
Resumen : Ecuador faces various challenges in terms of food security, as indicated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. According to FAO data, approximately 22 percent of the Ecuadorian population lives in poverty and faces dif ficulties in accessing adequate and nutritious food. Additionally, it is estimated that around 6.4 percent of the population suffers from severe food insecurity, meaning they do not have regular access to enough nutritious food to lead an active and healthy life. The dependency on food imports is also a significant problem in Ecuador.
URI : https://repositorio.uide.edu.ec/handle/37000/7389
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Ingeniería en Mecatrónica

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