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Título : Design of an automated forklift with Artificial intelligence to distinguish and Transport different labeled trays in the M. G. Distribution company
Autor : Lasluiza Yánez, Brenda Soledad
Andrade, Luis (tutor)
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Editorial : QUITO/UIDE/2023
Citación : Lasluiza Yánez, Brenda Soledad. (2023). Design of an automated forklift with Artificial intelligence to distinguish and Transport different labeled trays in the M. G. Distribution company. Facultad de Mecatrónica. UIDE. Quito. 39 p.
Resumen : The prototype have like an objective to carry on a weight and transporting to another place. The load of carry must no exceed to 2 kg and the distance to lift it up until 30cm. The prototype have a external structure that belongs to the forklift and a recycling electric car where all the previous structure where adapted. The dimensions of the car are specified in the Table 1. In the following section is described the work done and the calculations necessary to achieve the proposed objectives and details the selection of the mechanical components used for the Project and even the motors.
URI : https://repositorio.uide.edu.ec/handle/37000/6147
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Ingeniería en Mecatrónica

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