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Título : Design and construction of a sorting equipment using artificial intelligence for the company VITA ALIMENTOS C.A
Otros títulos : Diseño y construcción de un equipo de clasificación mediante inteligencia artificial para la empresa VITA ALIMENTOS C.A
Autor : Gordillo Villamar, Dennis Alexander
Andaluz, Gabriela (Tutor)
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Editorial : QUITO/UIDE/2023
Citación : Gordillo Villamar, Dennis Alexander. (2023). Diseño y construcción de un equipo de clasificación mediante inteligencia artificial para la empresa VITA ALIMENTOS C.A. Facultad de Mecatrónica. UIDE. Quito. 67 p.
Resumen : All the projects consist in design and build a classifying equipment using artificial intel ligence and a conveyor system for milk laboratory samples of VITA ALIMENTOS C.A. company. Actually, as part of the quality control process, VITA ALIMENTOS C.A. collects about 250 samples of milk from its suppliers every day for 4 days and submits them to different tests that analyze the amount of bacteria, fat, protein, total solids, and non-fat milk solids in the laboratory, which are reviewed by 2 technicians. The sample reception laboratory has 2 machines separated by 1.60 m between them, in this space there is a table with a water bath. The first machine analyzes 50 samples every hour and is in charge of counting and giving the number of bacte ria in ml of milk. The second machine analyzes total fats and proteins, this machine analyzes 150 samples per hour.
URI : https://repositorio.uide.edu.ec/handle/37000/6146
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Ingeniería en Mecatrónica

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